Best And Worst Foods To Eat On The Ketogenic Diet

As a society, Westernized people are increasingly conscious of the types of food we consume and the effect they have on weight and health. More and more people are following diet plans to manage their weight. The ketogenic or keto diet is one plan people commonly follow which shares some features with other well-known diets such as Atkins and low-carb diets. Like all diets, it provides guidance on what ketogenic diet foods to eat and what to avoid.

Best Foods To Eat On The Ketogenic Diet

Followers of the ketogenic diet will eat 20 to 50 grams of carbohydrates per day which is roughly equivalent to one large potato and half a kilogram of vegetables.

To remain within this allowance, there are particular foods that are availalble which are lower in carbohydrates. However, it is still down to the individual to avoid the overconsumption of any food, whether they are on the food list or not, as too many carbohydrates may interfere with the development of ketosis.

Fish And Seafood

Most fish and seafood is available on the ketogenic diet. Apart from being rich in B vitamins and potassium, these foods are also quite low in carbohydrates.


Overconsumption of starchy vegetables should be unavailable on the ketogenic diet. However, non-starchy vegetables are recommended, especially greens such as spinach, Brussels sprouts and kale.

Research also suggests that eating such foods is associated with a reduction in the risk of developing cancer and heart disease.

Low-carb vegetables can be a good substitution for other high-carb foods, for example, rice can repalce cauliflower rice.


The popularity of avocados has increased over recent years with many considering it a superfood alongside kale. In addition to containing several vital vitamins, avocados also contain potassium. The consumption of foods rich in potassium may assist in the body’s transition into ketosis.

Worst Foods To Eat On The Ketogenic Diet

Certain foods are not choices on the ketogenic diet as they are too high in carbohydrates.


Despite the many health benefits of fruit, there is an issue with some fruits on the keto diet. Grapes and bananas, for instance, contain high quantities of carbs. 1 cup of grapes has approximately 26 grams and a medium banana, 24 grams of carbohydrate.

As a rule, these fruits should not be on the food list. However, a cup of strawberries contains 8 grams and a medium orange 12 grams of carbohydrates. Therefore these are permissible in moderate amounts on the diet.

Grains And Starches

Grains and starches should also not be available on the ketogenic diet because of their considerably high carbohydrate content. Consumption of such foods may take the individual over the 50-gram daily carbohydrate intake.

Processed Foods

The adverse health consequences of consuming processed foods have been well documented. ON the keto diet, processed foods and trans fats should be unavailable as they are high in carbohydrates.

While the ketogenic diet might be useful to those wanting to manage their weight or diabetes, some argue that there is a lack of longitudinal studies investigating the long-term impact of adopting this type of diet. Furthermore, it suggests that individuals seek medical advice as the diet is not suitable for pregnant women and people at risk of hypoglycemia.

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