Keto Diet Vs South Beach Diet

south beach vs keto diet

If you want to improve your health, look at nutrition first. The right diet can help you lose weight, boost your energy, improve your appearance, and reduce your risk of chronic disease. What is the right diet for you? It depends on your health goals and dietary preferences. Today you will learn about two popular weight loss diets: the keto diet vs the South Beach diet. By the end of the article, you should have enough information to make a decision about them.

What is Keto?

This is also known as a ketogenic diet, which is a diet that initiates the process of the body using its fat as fuel, a state known as ketosis. This lifestyle was developed for children with epilepsy and is known to prevent lifestyle diseases, such as heart disease and high blood pressure. This program works by limiting carbohydrate intake and consuming more high-protein and high-fat foods as well as green leafy vegetables. The lack of carbohydrates forces the body to use its fat and convert it into ketone bodies, which the body uses as a source of energy.

What is South Beach?

It is a low-carb diet that prefers to choose the right carbohydrates and fats based on individual goals to help lower cholesterol levels in people with heart complications. The South Beach diet is less restrictive on the types of foods that can be eaten, but limits the amount that can be consumed.

It has three phases:

  • The first phase involved a 7-day restart in which participants ate high-protein and low-carbohydrate foods to boost metabolism.
  • The steady weight loss phase follows, with participants losing a steady amount of weight. Other carbohydrates, such as vegetables, fruits and whole grains, can also be included.
  • The final stage consists of maintaining the results achieved by eating various types of food in moderation.

The Similarities between South Beach and Keto Diet

Both keto and South Beach are weight loss diets, and have at least two common strategies to get you there. 

1. No sugar

High sugar consumption is a major cause of obesity in the United States. All those sugary sodas, sports drinks and juices make people obese.

You’ll want to know that added sugar is prohibited in both ketosis and Phases 1 and 2 of the South Beach Diet. Phase 3 is more lenient and allows for the occasional bit of sugar.

2. Moderate protein

Protein is not an optional nutrient. You need protein to maintain muscle, create neurotransmitters, and much more.

Low-protein diets have been shown to be associated with age-related muscle loss, called sarcopenia. Sarcopenia is bad news. Decreased quality of life, reduced functional strength, weakness, and more.

Both Keto and South Beach are fairly high-protein diets. For example, in keto, about 30% of the calories you eat each day come from protein. On a 2,000-calorie diet, that’s about 150 grams.

The Differences between South Beach and Keto Diet


Keto refers to a diet that initiates the body’s process of using fat as fuel, a state known as ketosis. South Beach, on the other hand, refers to a low-carb diet that prefers to choose the right carbohydrates and fats based on individual goals.

Fats allowed

Keto allows its users to include all types of fats, including fatty meats, butter and lard. South Beach, on the other hand, only allows its users to include healthy fats such as multi- and mono-saturated fats from nuts, lean proteins, olive oil and avocados.

Proteins & Carbohydrates allowed

While Keto allows for less protein and carbohydrates, South Beach allows for more protein and carbohydrates.


The goal of Keto is ketosis. South Beach, on the other hand, is successful even without ketosis because it is more focused on overall health and wellness.

Summary of Keto vs. South Beach

Keto is a diet that initiates a process whereby the body uses fat as fuel, a state known as ketosis. It is much more restrictive and is an ideal short-term diet. South Beach, on the other hand, refers to a low-carb diet that prefers to choose the correct carbohydrates and fats based on individual goals.  While both diets are successful, depending on one’s goals, Keto is more of a short-term diet that is unhealthy in the long run, while South Beach can be used in the long run because it is aimed at overall health and wellness.

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