What Is Speed Keto?

speed keto

The keto diet is a high-fat, low-carb diet designed to put you into a state of ketosis – a metabolic state where your body burns fat instead of carbohydrates for fuel. Recently, a book called Speed Keto has become increasingly popular. Its author, Harlan Kilstein, describes himself as an expert coach and says his program is “the fastest way to get results on keto.”

Here’s a closer look at speed keto, how it differs from the regular keto diet, what to eat and not eat on speed keto, and the benefits and side effects of following a speed keto meal plan. 

What is the Speed Keto?

Basically, speed keto is a combination of a traditional keto diet (consisting of 60 to 70 percent fat, 15 to 30 percent protein, and 5 to 10 percent carbohydrates) and intermittent fasting (IF), which involves alternating between different periods of fasting and eating. One of the most common methods of intermittent fasting is the 16:8 method, in which you fast for 16 hours and then can eat for the following 8 hours.

When it comes to speed keto, the goal is for the dieter to eat only one meal per day, which must also meet the high-fat and low-carb ketosis guidelines. The goal of eating less carbohydrates is to put your body into ketosis, which is when your body burns fat, rather than carbohydrate stores, for fuel, which can lead to weight loss.

What to Eat on Speed Keto?

Since Speed Keto stems from the traditional keto diet, the products you should eat in it are the same. Similar to the keto diet, Speed Keto does not allow you to consume foods that are high in carbohydrates. In fact, you should not consume more than 50 grams of carbohydrates per day. Therefore, here is a list of products that are perfect for the Fast Keto diet:

  • Dairy (plain Greek yoghurt, high-fat cheese, butter)
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Berries (strawberries, blackberries, and other non-starchy and low in sugar berries)*
  • Non-starchy vegetables rich in fiber (zucchini, cauliflower, tomatoes, etc.)
  • Eggs
  • Seafood
  • Meat
  • Oils

These items have enough fat and are rich in protein to be considered keto. At the same time, they are very low in carbohydrates. However, these foods are quite nutritious and can easily suppress your appetite. Regarding drinks, the best option is pure water. However, you can also drink unsweetened coffee and tea.

What NOT to Eat on Speed Keto?

Definitely, high-carb products are to avoid on Speed Keto. These include:

  • Bread
  • Pastry (croissants, buns, pies, etc.)
  • Pasta
  • Sweets
  • Fruit (pears, bananas, peaches, etc.)
  • Starchy vegetables (potatoes, beans, pumpkin, etc.)
  • Cereals
  • Nonfat milk, which is rich in carbs

As for beverages, it is highly recommended that you avoid drinking alcohol. The same goes for sodas, sweetened drinks, and juices.

Speed Keto Benefits

The main goal of Speed Keto is to speed up weight loss by helping you get into deep ketosis. 

There are a few potential benefits to Speed Keto. 

Faster Keto Transition

Any time you start a keto diet, your body must transition from burning carbohydrates to burning fat as its primary fuel source. 

A speed keto diet plan involves prolonged fasting, which can help your body burn carbohydrate stores faster and convert to ketosis in as little as a day or two, rather than 3-5 days. Speed keto may be helpful if you want to get into ketosis as quickly as possible.

Weight Loss

When you eat only one or two meals a day, it’s harder to overeat. If you don’t like counting calories, intermittent fasting may help you maintain a calorie deficit without splitting meals. 

Keto and intermittent fasting work well together because a high-fat diet suppresses appetite and stabilizes blood sugar, which prevents energy fluctuations and makes it easier to fast for most of the day. 


Both keto and intermittent fasting can reduce inflammation. 

Studies show that a keto diet reduces inflammation. Ketone bodies, the source of energy you get from fat burning, are less inflammatory than glucose, the sugar-based source of energy you use in a high-carb diet.

Intermittent fasting can also reduce inflammation. People who fasted during Ramadan showed lower markers of inflammation. Other studies have found that fasting can protect your cells from oxidative stress, which triggers inflammation.

Speed Keto combines two powerful anti-inflammatory strategies, which makes it especially good when you’re struggling with inflammation. 

Speed Keto Side Effects

One of the biggest problems with speed keto is that it’s simply not something you can do long-term. It feels great to lose weight quickly, but eventually, you’ll likely want to stop this diet (or just want to eat one more meal a day). Only being able to eat specific foods at specific times can feel restrictive, and it’s almost impossible to sustain this kind of strict diet over the long term.

Once you start eating more or get off the keto diet, you’re more likely to gain the weight back.

The traditional keto diet has its own risks, including low blood pressure, increased risk of heart disease, and kidney stones, just to name a few. Doctors recommend that this is not the right diet for people with gallbladder, liver, thyroid or pancreatic problems. Adding a keto diet to a strict intermittent fast has the potential to lead to additional medical problems.


Speed keto is a combination of traditional keto and intermittent fasting. In other words, in this diet, you reduce carbohydrate-rich foods and replace them with those that are high in fat and protein. At the same time, you adhere to a specific fasting pattern. Combining two strict meal plans, Speed Keto proves to be an extreme approach to weight loss. While this diet may be helpful for some people, it is not safe for everyone and should probably not be followed long term. In addition, this diet has many side effects and risks that can harm your health. This is the main reason why you should not change your diet without the supervision of a nutrition expert.

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